Category: Bird Identification

Show how birds are identified.

Northern Cardinal

Northern Cardinal

The Northern Cardinal (hereafter, cardinal), named for the male’s red plumage, is found throughout eastern and central North America from southern Canada into parts of Mexico and Central America. It has taken advantage of moderate temperatures, human habitation, and provisioning…

The Bobolink

The Bobolink

The Bobolink is one of the most visually striking passerines in North America. Males—conspicuous morphologically, behaviorally, and vocally during the breeding season—look like they are wearing a tuxedo backward, leading some observers to refer to this species as the “skunk…

Rose Breasted Grosbeak Bird

Rose Breasted Grosbeak Bird

What a shock to have two male Rose Breasted Grosbeak Bird on our bird feeder in the month of May. Then to our astonishment we had three females emerge! These birds are neo-tropical migrants. They spend the wintry weather months…